This is my report on what happened on the days building up to the event, please note these are my personal opinions.
Wednesday 13th April 2005
A large 40 ton truck arrived with ASIMO, I had been told to come in my own clothes and was very excited on what the day was going to bring. I spoke to Mr Halford and was then sat in the entrance hall waiting for the ASIMO team to arrive from their hotel near Haydock. As I met them for the first time I was thinking of things to come. We headed over to the drama studio and I saw all the flight cases, for all the equipment, it was vast. The first thing we did was have a coffee in the trailer, an espresso which was very strong with Belgian chocolate. We then got down to unpacking all the flight cases which had cables, amps, speakers, CD players, DVD players, mixers, projects, plasma displays, laptops, computers and much more. It was then my task to try and get the lights working lucky they all came on. I then saw ASIMO for the first time coming out of his well padding flight case, the first thing that came into my head was how small it was only 4 feet tall (120cm). I then spent most of the afternoon setting up lighting and sound. At about 3pm they booted up ASIMO for the first time, it takes about 5mins to boot. At first he was doing stretches to make sure all its motor were working. Then it took it first steps into centre stage, I was amazed at how like a human it walked. Of course the lights didn't want to work at first because I was using a different port across the room but they just needed reset crisis over. The team was very organised but seemed to like there coffee and Belgium chocolates. As it got later we were still there discussing the fact that we needed black curtains every where so that ASIMO would show up better, because he is white. Of course this meant that we could no longer use the schools projector so after spending time putting the cable around the room for our projector we had to pull them up. They then put their projector up and cables where relayed again, but never settle for second best and I could see where they were coming form as the schools projector is on a wall and you can see the bricks. Just before the end of the day I was given an official ASIMO polo shirt to wear. At 8:00 I went home after a very exciting and interesting day.
Thursday 14th April 2005
I was up bright and early which is usually for me as I normally have to drag myself out of bed in a morning. And on site ready to learn more about this amazing robot. We day loads of rehearsals to do today, but the press where coming so we knew we had a lot to squash in one day. As so as we were ready to go along came the first camera crew. Mr royal was there read the film everything so this was a good opportunity for him to get some pictures, I decided to do the same. I picked my camera up to take photo and realised I had forgot to bring a memory stick. Jo offered to lend me one but I had released that I might have to make a trip home to get some lights. By now I had just managed to remember all there names they was Serge the Robot Director, Jean, Jo, Pascal, Jean-Lue and William made up there team. Press of course the press wanted ASIMO to stand on one foot while all the students did the same, much to the dislike meant of Serge. A couple of them nearly knocked into ASIMO and Serge was there to move out the way, I would do the same if I was in charge of a robot worth millions of pounds. After all the press had gone we started rehearsals so that everyone knew what they were doing and when. We were back stage but there was a spy cam link up to two screens so we could see what we were doing, which is very helpful when you are doing the lights because otherwise you could be doing anything and also for last minute corrections. At dinner time me and Jean-Lue travelled to my house to pick up my lights for dancing bit of ASIMO, this was a perfect time to get my memory stick for my camera. When we got back the press were here again so I took some pictures of ASIMO which you can see here. We then took ASIMO over to open the Engineering block as part of Specialist Engineering college status we have just gained. We did one more rehearsal before it was time for home, by the time we finished it was 6:00pm. Because I had stayed for so long to help out John-Lue gave a key ring of ASIMO which you can only get in Japan. Then I was off home.
Friday 15th April 2005
The big day for ASIMO had finally come and it had to perform in front of over 1000 people in 7 shows. All the shows went well and the reaction from the audience was amazing I don't think I have ever heard has many people going "WOW!" All the teachers, students, governs, press, etc were sat there completely astounded which is also an astonishing thing to see. In between the performances Dave Guest form BBC North West came to film ASIMO for the local TV. All the shows went smoothly with no problems. We had one more show to do in the evening, but before this we watched the BBC North West news report which ASIMO stared in, we had to watch an hours TV before it came on. Just before the last show I was given an ASIMO figurine with all the moving parts for my help during the week. The last show was over and the ASIMO team was presented with presents because of their hard work during the week, which I have to credit them on because they did a lot I mean William had to learn a whole script in 1day. We didn't have 2 days straight because the press were there at different times and so if we were in the middle of the run though and they would drop everything to get ASIMO ready for photos. Of course all good things have to come to an end and it was time to pack up. Packing up was a lot easier than unpacking as we didn't have to figure out were everything goes. Nothing goes to plan and of course when the lorry has to be in Dover by 6am, it would have to get stuck in the mud. The truck couldn't pull the heavy trailer out of the mud because all the weight is at the back, so the drive wheel had no weight on them to get grip. Mr Garner was there and jumped into action plus the whole of the ASIMO team were there digging, pushing, anything they could do to try and get the truck out. Eventually the truck was freed and we could start loading all the flight cases into the truck. The door was closed and that was it, the end.
I had a brilliant week and now 1 week later I wish I could do it again. I would like to say thanks to the ASIMO team for this once in a life time opportunity. Also they treated me as one of the team and this was a real privilege. All I can really say is 'THANKS' and I hope to see you again.
Richard Atkinson